Like I promised yesterday, that is template that could download. This tamplate was given the name Gray Lover. For you that
liked would the grey colour, you could download him afterwards upload him back to blogger.
Please Click at the image below to see screenshoot from this template!
Some that were important to be paid attention to was before you in place of template, you must back up all the available datas in old template like the shoutbox code, accessories, link et cetera. For that still was confused about the method of backing up the data in your old template, please followed the step along with this:
- Sigin
- Click the Layout menu
- Click the Page Element menu
- Click the Edit in each available element. Copy all the available code,
afterwards paste in notepad to later in input again if has replaced template - finished.
I feeling was enough, to download the Gray Lover template, please Click here !
Akhirnya kelar juga deh, cape kalo nulis beginian terus. ni gara-gara adsense ga pernah mau mampir di blog ini, terpaksa deh mulai sekarang di selang dikit-dikit ama bahasa orang bule

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